Common Mistakes When Playing Legside Shots off the Front Foot

This has been a common problem thatĀ many of our parents (members) have written in asking for advice on and it is a shot that many young cricketers (en...

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A Common Batting Grip Mistake you MUST Fix...

Here's a quick look at a COMMON Batting Grip Mistake that will hold your young batsmen or women's batting development back.

To find out how to fix it...

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Cricket Bowling: A Top Tip for Your Young Bowler's Run Up

Here's a top tip for getting a cricket bowling run up efficient for your young bowler.

When it comes to understanding the basic action and teaching i...

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A Warning for Buying Cricket Bats That Are Too Big

One of the 3 big mistakes young batters make with the grip is that they hold their hands too wide apart. This is often because of a bat that is too bi...

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Batting: Teaching how to Judge "Line & Length"

Judging Line and Length as a cricket batterĀ is a critical skill that weĀ need to develop from a young age...

We want to do this because it's important...

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Batting: Hand Speed for Front Foot Shots

I've got a neat little drill for you here today that will help your child with their hand speed when batting.

Why is it important to work on Hand Spe...

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My Child Won't Listen to Me! (What Can I Do?)

Are you in this boat? Your child just doesn't listen to you!

Or you think that if you had to try coach them, they won't listen.

Well, either way I h...

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A Secret to Front Foot Batting Shots

There are so many aspects to exceptional batting, but it all starts with a few Fundamental Basics. One of those basics is the lesson I have for you to...

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The Wrist Drill for Bowlers

This is such a simple drill that will help your young bowler in a big way. It's great for the PRE-SEASON but can and should be done ALL THE TIME.

It ...

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Teach Your Young Batsmen to HIT the Ball with Power

Let's take a look at WHY it's so important to teach your young batsmen to learn to HIT and STRIKEĀ the ball with power.

I also want you to remember to...

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